Daniel Prasetia Sastro is a former banker, who currently holds a key role in Asiantrust Capital primarily in corporate business development and investments. He is a finance guy who aspires to be a chef of his own authentic Japanese restaurant.

What is AsianTrust Capital, what problems you’re trying to solve, and your personal reason for joining AsianTrust / the venture capital (VC) world?
Asiantrust Capital is an investment firm formed in late 2018. Initially, Asiantrust runs as a hedge fund and focuses on capital market deals. As the startup era flourishes, Asiantrust established its second fund, focusing on startups in various sectors, including Fintech, Health and Consumer goods. Some of its prominents portfolios are Byru, Doogether, Simpan and Dropezy.
My personal reason of joining Asiantrust is that it allows me to become a semi-entrepreneur, meaning that I not only act as a fund manager with the main objective to find the perfect investments to have great returns, but I can also work closely with the team and execute new business developments as well running a new business as a project.
What do you do at AsianTrust?
My day consists of identifying new deals, monitoring existing portfolios and acting as management and strategic consultants. Furthermore, it is part of my responsibility as well, to enhance the brand value and make sure that Asiantrust is heard in the private & public market.
What do you enjoy the most about being in VC?
Business is like playing puzzle, we assemble pieces by pieces to construct a picture. Therefore, the most enjoyable factor of being a fund manager in VC and Capital Market World is meeting people from different industries with their own various perspectives. This pushes me to see in a more holistic view and assemble various ideas and networks to construct a business.
Understand this may be a confidential question - but favourite VC deal you’ve been involved in so far?
As the philosophy of Asiantrust is to actively invest and always be on the ground with the founders, we are always heavily involved in all deals with their different challenges. One thing which is my favorite project is to firesell the deadstocks of our investee. We created a special task force focusing on managing the tiktok live shop, warehouse, logistics and B2B sales channels. As a result of this initiative, we have created a new business and improved the investee’s value by adding a new business line.
What is your biggest challenge in this industry? How do you manage this challenge strategically?
The biggest challenge in this industry is managing startup portfolios as brilliant ideas are useless without consistent execution from the founders and team. Therefore, it is important to not only have business senses and analytical skills, but to have people management and communication skills to align goals and work as a team with the founders.
Who or what inspired you the most?
I currently have two individuals that I admire who are Pak Pandu Sjahrir & Pak Patrick Walujo. Although I’ve never met the both of them before, I listened to their talks & podcasts. Despite their knowledge and skillsets that are undeniably great, I got inspired more by their positivity and excitement of the future development.
What's next for Daniel Sastro? Or what is your dream / goal in life?
My dream is to be managing partner of a fund, where I could invest and bring more development and impact to the society.
What values in life do you adhere to?
- Treat others as you want to be treated.
- You lose when you quit.
Can you explain a unique thing (fun fact) about yourself that is unknown by many people?
I tend to do deep research about the meaning and ending of movies that I’ve just watched. Sometimes the fan theories make me imagine the new possibilities of the movies and they excite me more.
What would you change about your old self if given a chance to turn back time?
Less procrastination and do more new things.
What about Magani resonated/appealed to you?
Magani represents traditional Indonesian culture with a new twist which is the sweat resistant material. As I work in an industry with long hours and where appearance matters to gain trust and credibility, I have to look professional while staying comfortable. That’s how Magani appeals to me.