Muhammad Farouq - An Experienced Supply Chain Professional

Muhammad Farouq - An Experienced Supply Chain Professional
Magani unites tradition with the new; reimagining the traditional batik shirt for the needs of our contemporary society. We combine Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage with the latest innovation in performance wear material to build the ultimate durable and comfortable shirt for the modern Indonesian man who is constantly on the move. 
As we celebrate Indonesia’s heritage, we also celebrate the individuals who are unintimidated by the sweat and hard work required to defy challenges, push boundaries, and move Indonesia forward.
Meet the #MaganiMen who have inspired us that with grit and endurance, there are no limits to what you can achieve. #NOSWEATNOLIMIT
#MaganiMen: Meet Muhammad Farouq, an experienced supply chain professional who always puts family first. Learn about his inspirational dedication for his work and family.
Who is Muhammad Farouq?


I am a chemical engineer with Master’s degree in Business Administration. Born in Palembang – South Sumatra 41 years ago as the eldest of 3 siblings. Married to a beautiful dermatologist and blessed with 3 wonderful children, currently staying in Cibubur – West Java for almost 17 years. Traveling is a passion of mine. I love seeing different landscapes, people, and trying different foods. Travelling energizes me, especially when going on new adventures with my family.


What is your current career background?


An Operations and Supply Chain professional with 20+ years experience working in Indonesian and multinational companies. I’ve held different positions in Production, Health and Safety, Operations, and Supply Chain in different industries including Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC), Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Food & Beverage (F&B), Petrochemicals, and Facility Management Industry (FMI). I’ve found satisfaction when I can identify effectiveness and efficiency for continuous improvement in the work process, which can bring value to people and the company. This part has also importantly advanced my personal and professional development.



What does ‘success’ mean for you?

For me, success is seeing my family live a healthy and happy life. That is true inner peace for me, by doing the best that I can and witnessing the positive progress in other people's lives, especially -my children.

Muhammad wears Forest Bloom.


The values ​​in life that Pak Farouq has always adhered to?
It is empathy. My father passed away when I was 3 years old and since then my mother raised us. She worked as a tailor to make a living, with the help of our relatives. During those days, my siblings and I saw our mother dealing with her customers every day at our home. We heard the tone of voice and the way she behaves and approaches her customers, as well as the way she navigates with non-verbal cues. My mother always taught us to understand her customers’ feelings and to put ourselves in others’ shoes.
I realize that it was all about empathy - to treat others as you would like to be treated by yourself, and to be ethical and understand another's point of view. For me, it is also the basis of other life values, such as compassion, integrity, and responsibility. We see challenges and accept mistakes not by blaming others but seeing it as an opportunity to adapt and change. Consider this as easy as a tailor replacing buttons.
What kind of leader are you?
The strength that every leader needs is communication and collaboration skills, the key to creating a highly-effective team.

For me, I always try to understand the assignments right away. I want to make my team understand the big picture and the goal that our team needs to achieve and then empower them to work things out. In effect it is delegation while maintaining a strong and aligned strategy.

I also try to provide feedback personally and professionally to accomplish the complete objectives when necessary. Based on my experience, it is not only to bring out the best in every team member but also to have succession planning for my team, so they can grow in the organization and prepare for their own professional journey.

What are the most important things to be successful in a job?

A positive attitude always works in many working environments and cultures. I can handle any challenges and recover quickly from difficulties by looking on the bright side, staying organized, accepting situations that we cannot control, and keep on trying. Positivity attracts more positivity; I believe this mindset will invite positive people to surround you and will attract much better things in life – including your job.


How to achieve your kind of work-life balance? As a father and a leader.

I realized that I can’t have everything and do everything at once. It is nearly impossible to find the perfect work-life balance as a professional. However, effective communication and delegation to the team at the workplace will save a lot of time and energy for me to do other priorities. Also, I need to understand that my team members are all someone’s spouse, parents, children, or grandchildren. The balance will come more from the workplace, to work smart, respect each other, and being aligned with each other to save more time for our family. In the end, family always comes first.


Can you explain the unique thing about yourself that is unknown by many people?

My childhood ambition was to become a doctor. However, I found difficulties with the tuition fee. So, I studied engineering and then met my wife – a medical student from a different university. She is the youngest of 12 siblings, 10 of them were doctors. My ambition came true in a different form and even more. Now I am surrounded by a cardiologist professor, obstetricians professor, orthopedic doctor, urologist, internist, pediatrician, and dermatologist.


If given the chance to turn back time, what would you change from your old self?


I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, and I am grateful for what I have now. I don’t want to change anything even if I can turn back time.


What's next for Pak Farouq? Or what is your dream/goal in life?


Next is to raise the most confident and kind-hearted children. My goal is to stay healthy, age gracefully together with my wife, and see our children be successful in their life. I wish I can bring my grandson to travel around the world in 80 days, just like in Jules Verne’s adventure novel.


Share about your journey with Magani? Why do you like our products?


Last year, my wife bought me my first Magani, and I immediately fell in love with the colors, material, and ease of care. She was very happy to see her gifts to be used and appreciated, then she bought different designs almost every month, although my first Magani still looks new.


What do you think about Magani as a brand?

Magani is a simple and redefined batik for a field guy like me, who sweats a lot and always needs help with my shirts. Every shirt I had before will never be in the same condition after 2 hours either on the field or indoors. This affects my confidence level because of the sweat stains and wrinkled shirts when attending a formal meeting situation. Magani is definitely the answer to my problems, with a unique Indonesian identity, anti-wrinkle, proven quality for no sweat, and breathable material. It gives me more confidence in any situation and condition.

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